Source code for fetch_utilities

"""Utiliites for fetching and formatting source for the Knowledge Network (KN)
that has been updated.

Contains module functions::

    chunk(filename, total_lines)
    main(version_json, args=None)

    ARCHIVES (list): list of supported archive formats.
    DIR (str): the relative path to data/source/alias/ from location of
        script execution
    MAX_CHUNKS (int): maximum number of chunks to split file into

    To run fetch on a single source (e.g. dip) after check complete::

        $ cd data/dip/PPI
        $ python3 ../../../code/ file_metadata.json

    To view all optional arguments that can be specified::

        $ python3 code/ -h


import urllib.request
import json
import shutil
import tarfile
import zipfile
import gzip
import os
import sys
import math
import hashlib
from random import randint
from time import sleep
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import config_utilities as cf
import import_utilities as iu
import table_utilities as tu

[docs]class AppURLopener(urllib.request.FancyURLopener): """URLopener to open with a custom user-agent.""" version = "Mozilla/5.0"
opener = AppURLopener() def openurl(url, filename, openfunc, tries=1, sleeptime=0): for i in range(tries): try: with openfunc(url) as response: with open(filename, 'wb') as outfile: shutil.copyfileobj(response, outfile) return except OSError: sleep(sleeptime) raise ARCHIVES = ['.zip', '.tar', '.gz'] MAX_CHUNKS = 500 DIR = "."
[docs]def download(version_dict): """Returns the standardized path to the local file after downloading it from the source and unarchiving if needed. This returns the standardized path (path/source.alias.txt) for the source alias described in version_dict. If a download is needed (as determined by the check step), the remote file will be downloaded. Args: version_dict (dict): A dictionary describing the attributes of the alias for a source. Returns: str: The relative path to the newly downloaded file. """ ret_file = version_dict['source'] + '.' + version_dict['alias'] + '.txt' #download remote file url = version_dict['remote_url'] if url[-1] == '/': url = url[:-1] filename = version_dict['local_file_name'] if "http" in url: if 'enrichr' in version_dict['source']: openurl(url, filename,, tries=3, sleeptime=randint(10, 90)) else: openurl(url, filename, else: openurl(url, filename, urllib.request.urlopen) os.utime(filename, (0, version_dict['remote_date'])) #unzip remote file while os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in ARCHIVES: if tarfile.is_tarfile(filename): with as tar: tar.extractall(path=DIR) file_list = tar.getnames() elif zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as zfile: zfile.extractall(path=DIR) file_list = zfile.namelist() elif os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.gz': with as gzfile: with open(filename[:-3], 'wb') as outfile: shutil.copyfileobj(gzfile, outfile) file_list = [filename[:-3]] else: print('Error extracting file: ' + filename) exit() if len(file_list) == 1: filename = file_list[0] else: if('remote_file' in version_dict and version_dict['remote_file'] in file_list): idx = file_list.index(version_dict['remote_file']) filename = file_list[idx] else: print("Remote file is a directory but version_dict" "['remote_file'] was not found") exit() #move the downloaded file to source.alias.txt shutil.copy2(filename, ret_file) return os.path.relpath(ret_file)
[docs]def chunk(filename, total_lines, chunksize=500000): """Splits the provided file into equal chunks with ceiling(num_lines/chunksize) lines each. This takes the path to a file and reads through the file, splitting it into equal chunks with each of size ceiling(num_lines/chunksize). It then returns the number of chunks and sets up the raw_lines table in the format: (file, line num, line_chksum, raw_line) Args: filename (str): the file to split into chunks total_lines (int): the number of lines in the file at filename args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults chunksize (int): max size of a single chunk. Defaults to 500000. Returns: int: the number of chunks filename was split into """ #determine number of chunks if 'lincs.level4' in filename: num_chunks = MAX_CHUNKS else: num_chunks = math.ceil(total_lines/int(chunksize)) num_lines = int(total_lines/num_chunks) #determine file output information path, file = os.path.split(filename) chunk_dir = os.path.join(path, 'chunks') os.makedirs(chunk_dir, exist_ok=True) source_alias, ext = os.path.splitext(file) chunk_file = os.path.join(chunk_dir, source_alias + '.raw_line.') #divide file into chunks line_count = 0 with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: for i in range(1, num_chunks + 1): curr_chunk = chunk_file + str(i) + ext with open(curr_chunk, 'wb') as out: j = 0 for line in infile: line_count += 1 hasher = hashlib.md5() hasher.update(source_alias.encode()) hasher.update(str(line_count).encode()) hasher.update(line) md5 = hasher.hexdigest() outline = '\t'.join((md5, str(line_count), source_alias, '')) out.write(outline.encode()) cleanline = line.decode("ascii", errors="ignore") cleanline = cleanline.replace('\n', '') cleanline = '"' + cleanline + '"\n' out.write(cleanline.encode()) j += 1 if j == num_lines and i < num_chunks: break u_chunk_file = curr_chunk.replace('raw_line', 'unique.raw_line') tu.csu(curr_chunk, u_chunk_file) return num_chunks
[docs]def format_raw_line(filename): """Creates the raw_line table from the provided file and returns the path to the output file. This takes the path to a file and reads through the file, adding three tab separated columns to the beginning, saving to disk, and then returning the output file path. Output looks like: raw_lines table (line_hash, line_num, file_id, line_str) Args: filename (str): the file to convert to raw_line table format Returns: str: the path to the output file """ #determine file output information path, file = os.path.split(filename) source_alias, ext = os.path.splitext(file) raw_line = os.path.join(path, source_alias + '.raw_line' + ext) #convert the file to raw_line format line_count = 0 with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: with open(raw_line, 'wb') as outfile: for line in infile: line_count += 1 hasher = hashlib.md5() hasher.update(source_alias.encode()) hasher.update(str(line_count).encode()) hasher.update(line) md5 = hasher.hexdigest() outline = '\t'.join([md5, str(line_count), source_alias, '']) outfile.write(outline.encode()) cleanline = line.decode('ascii', 'ignore') outfile.write(cleanline.encode()) tu.csu(raw_line, raw_line.replace('raw_line', 'unique.raw_line'), [1, 2, 3]) return raw_line
[docs]def get_md5_hash(filename): """Returns the md5 hash of the file at filename. This takes the path to a file and reads through the file line by line, producing both the md5 hash and a count of the number of lines. Args: filename (str): the file to split into chunks Returns: str: the md5 hash of the file at filename int: the number of lines in the file at int """ with open(filename, 'rb') as file: line_count = 0 md5 = hashlib.md5() for line in file: md5.update(line) line_count += 1 return md5.hexdigest(), line_count
[docs]def get_line_count(filename): """Returns the number of lines in the file at filename. This takes the path to a file and reads through the file line by line, producing a count of the number of lines. Args: filename (str): the file to split into chunks Returns: int: the number of lines in the file at int """ with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: line_count = 0 for _ in infile: line_count += 1 return line_count
[docs]def main(version_json, args=None): """Fetches and chunks the source:alias described by version_json. This takes the path to a version_json (source.alias.json) and runs fetch (see fetch). If the source is ensembl, it runs the ensembl specific fetch (see ensembl.fetch). If the alias is a data file, it then runs raw_line (see raw_line) and then runs chunk (see chunk) on the output. If the alias is a mapping file, it runs create_mapping_dict (see create_mapping_dict in It also updates version_json to include the total lines in and md5 checksum of the fetched file. It then saves the updated version_json to file. Args: version_json (str): path to a json file describing the source:alias args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() with open(version_json, 'r') as infile: version_dict = json.load(infile) if not version_dict['fetch_needed'] and not args.force_fetch: print('Source has not updated, fetch not needed') return src_code_dir = os.path.join(args.code_path, args.src_path) sys.path.append(src_code_dir) src_module = __import__(version_dict['source']) if version_dict['source'] == 'ensembl': src_module.fetch(version_dict, args) return if version_dict['source'] == 'lincs' and \ version_dict['alias'] in ['level4', 'exp_meta']: newfile =, args) else: newfile = download(version_dict) md5hash, line_count = get_md5_hash(newfile) mySrc = src_module.get_SrcClass(args) if version_dict['is_map'] and version_dict['source'] == 'lincs': num_chunks = 0 elif version_dict['is_map']: num_chunks = 0 raw_line = format_raw_line(newfile) map_dict = mySrc.create_mapping_dict(raw_line) nodefile = raw_line.replace('raw_line', 'unique.node') if os.path.isfile(nodefile): iu.import_pnode(nodefile, args) nmfile = raw_line.replace('raw_line', 'unique.node_meta') if os.path.isfile(nmfile): iu.import_nodemeta(nmfile, args) map_file = os.path.splitext(newfile)[0] + '.json' with open(map_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(map_dict, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: #raw_line = format_raw_line(newfile) num_chunks = chunk(newfile, line_count, mySrc.chunk_size) #update version_dict version_dict['checksum'] = md5hash version_dict['line_count'] = line_count version_dict['num_chunks'] = num_chunks iu.update_filemeta(version_dict, args) with open(version_json, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(version_dict, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs]def main_parse_args(): """Processes command line arguments. Expects one positional argument (metadata_json) and number of optional arguments. If arguments are missing, supplies default values. Returns: Namespace: args as populated namespace """ parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('metadata_json', help='json file produced from check, \ e.g. file_metadata.json') parser = cf.add_config_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() return args
if __name__ == "__main__": args = main_parse_args() main(args.metadata_json, args)