Source code for import_utilities

"""Utiliites for importing edge, edge_meta, and node_meta into the KnowEnG
MySQL datatbase.

Contains module functions::

    import_file(file_name, table, ld_cmd='', dup_cmd='', args=None)
    import_filemeta(version_dict, args=None)
    update_filemeta(version_dict, args=None)
    import_edge(edgefile, args=None)
    import_nodemeta(nmfile, args=None)
    import_pnode(filename, args=None)


import os
import csv
import subprocess
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import config_utilities as cf
import mysql_utilities as mu
import redis_utilities as ru

[docs]def import_file(file_name, table, ld_cmd='', dup_cmd='', args=None): """Imports the provided file into the KnowEnG MySQL database. Loads the data into a temporary table in MySQL. It then queries from the temporary table into the corresponding permanent table. If a duplication occurs during the query, it uses the provided behavior to handle. If no behavior is provided, it replaces into the table. Args: file_name (str): path to the file to be imported table (str): name of the permanent table to import to ld_cmd (str): optional additional command for loading data dup_cmd (str): command for handling duplicates args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() db = mu.get_database('KnowNet', args) print('Inserting data from ' + file_name +' into ' + table) print(ld_cmd) db.load_data(file_name, table, ld_cmd) db.close()
[docs]def import_file_nokeys(file_name, table, ld_cmd='', args=None): """Imports the provided file into the KnowEnG MySQL database using optimal settings. Starts a transaction and changes some MySQL settings for optimization, which disables the keys. It then loads the data into the provided table in MySQL. Note that the keys are not re-enabled after import. To do this call enable_keys(args). Args: file_name (str): path to the file to be imported table (str): name of the permanent table to import to ld_cmd (str): optional additional command for loading data args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() db = mu.get_database('KnowNet', args) print('Inserting nokeys data from ' + file_name +' into ' + table) print(ld_cmd) db.disable_keys() db.load_data(file_name, table, ld_cmd) db.close()
[docs]def enable_keys(args=None): """Imports the provided file into the KnowEnG MySQL database using optimal settings. Starts a transaction and changes some MySQL settings for optimization, which disables the keys. It then loads the data into the provided table in MySQL. Note that the keys are not re-enabled after import. To do this call mysql_utilities.get_database('KnowNet', args).enable_keys(). Args: file_name (str): path to the file to be imported table (str): name of the permanent table to import to ld_cmd (str): optional additional command for loading data args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() db = mu.get_database('KnowNet', args) db.enable_keys() db.close()
[docs]def import_filemeta(version_dict, args=None): """Imports the provided version_dict into the KnowEnG MySQL database. Loads the data from an version dictionary into the raw_file table. Args: version_dict (dict): version dictionary describing a downloaded file args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() db = mu.get_database('KnowNet', args) values = [version_dict["source"] + '.' + version_dict["alias"], version_dict["remote_url"], version_dict["remote_date"], version_dict["remote_version"], version_dict["remote_size"], version_dict["source_url"], version_dict["image"], version_dict["reference"], version_dict["pmid"], version_dict["license"], 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', version_dict["local_file_name"], 'NULL'] cmd = 'VALUES( ' + ','.join('%s' for i in values) + ')' db.replace_safe('raw_file', cmd, values) db.close()
[docs]def update_filemeta(version_dict, args=None): """Updates the provided filemeta into the KnowEnG MySQL database. Updates the data from an version dictionary into the raw_file table. Args: version_dict (dict): version dictionary describing a downloaded file args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() db = mu.get_database('KnowNet', args) values = [version_dict["source"] + '.' + version_dict["alias"], version_dict["remote_url"], version_dict["remote_date"], version_dict["remote_version"], version_dict["remote_size"], version_dict["source_url"], version_dict["image"], version_dict["reference"], version_dict["pmid"], version_dict["license"], 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', version_dict["local_file_name"], version_dict["checksum"]] cmd = 'VALUES( ' + ','.join('%s' for i in values) + ')' db.replace_safe('raw_file', cmd, values) db.close()
[docs]def import_edge(edgefile, args=None): """Imports the provided edge file and any corresponding meta files into the KnowEnG MySQL database. Loads the data into a temporary table in MySQL. It then queries from the temporary table into the corresponding permanent table. If a duplication occurs during the query, it updates to the maximum edge score if it is an edge file, and ignores if it is metadata. Args: edgefile (str): path to the file to be imported args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() imports = ['node', 'node_meta', 'edge2line', 'edge', 'edge_meta'] #uedge_cmd = ('edge.weight = IF(edge.weight > {0}.weight, edge.weight, ' # '{0}.weight)') for table in imports: ld_cmd = '' dup_cmd = '' if table == 'edge': filename = edgefile else: filename = edgefile.replace('conv', table) ufile = filename.replace(table, 'unique.' + table) if os.path.isfile(ufile): filename = ufile if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue import_file(filename, table, ld_cmd, dup_cmd, args)
[docs]def import_production_edges(args=None): """Query production edges from status table into the edge table. Queries the KnowNet status table and copies all distinct production edges to the edge table. If a duplication occurs during the query, it updates to the maximum edge score and keeps the edge hash for that edge. Args: args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() db = mu.get_database('KnowNet', args) cmd = ('SELECT DISTINCT n1_id, n2_id, et_name, weight, edge_hash ' 'FROM KnowNet.status WHERE status.status="production" ' 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE edge.weight = ' 'IF(edge.weight > status.weight, edge.weight, status.weight)') tablename = 'KnowNet.edge' db.insert(tablename, cmd)
[docs]def import_status(statusfile, args=None): """Imports the provided status file and any corresponding meta files into the KnowEnG MySQL database. Loads the data into a temporary table in MySQL. It then queries from the temporary table into the corresponding permanent table. If a duplication occurs during the query, it updates to the maximum edge score if it is an edge file, and ignores if it is metadata. Args: status (str): path to the file to be imported args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() imports = ['node', 'node_meta', 'edge2line', 'status', 'edge_meta'] for table in imports: ld_cmd = '' dup_cmd = '' if table == 'status': filename = statusfile else: filename = statusfile.replace('status', table) ufile = filename.replace(table, 'unique.' + table) if os.path.isfile(ufile): filename = ufile if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue import_file(filename, table, ld_cmd, dup_cmd, args)
[docs]def import_nodemeta(nmfile, args=None): """Imports the provided node_meta file and any corresponding meta files into the KnowEnG MySQL database. Loads the data into a temporary table in MySQL. It then queries from the temporary table into the corresponding permanent table. If a duplication occurs during the query, it updates to the maximum edge score if it is an edge file, and ignores if it is metadata. Args: nmfile (str): path to the file to be imported args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() table = 'node_meta' dup_cmd = 'node_meta.node_id = node_meta.node_id' ld_cmd = '' import_file(nmfile, table, ld_cmd, dup_cmd, args)
[docs]def import_pnode(filename, args=None): """Imports the provided property node file into the KnowEnG MySQL database. Loads the data into a temporary table in MySQL. It then queries from the temporary table into the corresponding permanent table. If a duplication occurs during the query, it updates to the maximum edge score if it is an edge file, and ignores if it is metadata. Args: filename (str): path to the file to be imported args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() ld_cmd = '(node_id, n_alias) SET n_type="Property"' dup_cmd = 'node.node_id = node.node_id' table = 'node' import_file(filename, table, ld_cmd, dup_cmd, args)
[docs]def merge(merge_key, args): """Uses sort to merge and unique the already sorted files of the table type and stores the results into outfile. This takes a table type (one of: node, node_meta, edge2line, status, or edge_meta) and merges them using the unix sort command while removing any duplicate elements. Args: merge_key (str): table type (one of: node, node_meta, edge2line, status, edge, or edge_meta) args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults """ if args is None: args = cf.config_args() if args.storage_dir: searchpath = os.path.join(args.storage_dir, args.data_path) else: searchpath = os.path.join(args.working_dir, args.data_path) outpath = os.path.join(args.working_dir, args.data_path) if merge_key == 'edge': outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'unique-sort.' + merge_key + '.txt') else: outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'unique.' + merge_key + '.txt') searchpath = os.path.join(searchpath, '*', '*', '*') with open(outfile, 'w') as out: cmd1 = ['find', searchpath, '-type', 'f', '-name', '*.unique.'+merge_key+'.*', '-print0'] temppath = os.path.join(outpath, 'tmp') if not os.path.isdir(temppath): os.makedirs(temppath) cmd2 = ['xargs', '-0', 'sort', '-mu', '-T', temppath] print(' '.join(cmd1)) print(' '.join(cmd2)) p1 = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(cmd1), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=out).communicate() if merge_key != 'edge': return outfile us_file = outfile ud_file = os.path.join(outpath, 'unique-dup.edge.txt') ue_file = os.path.join(outpath, 'unique.edge.txt') with open(us_file, 'r') as infile, \ open(ud_file, 'w') as edge: reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter='\t') writer = csv.writer(edge, delimiter='\t', lineterminator='\n') prev = False for line in reader: line = line[1:] + [line[0]] e_chksum = line[4] weight = line[3] if not prev: prev = line if e_chksum != prev[4]: writer.writerow(prev) prev = line elif float(weight) > float(prev[3]): prev = line if prev: writer.writerow(prev) os.remove(us_file) with open(ue_file, 'w') as out: cmd1 = ['cat', ud_file] temppath = os.path.join(outpath, 'tmp') if not os.path.isdir(temppath): os.makedirs(temppath) cmd2 = ['sort', '-u', '-T', temppath] print(' '.join(cmd1)) print(' '.join(cmd2)) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=out).communicate() os.remove(ud_file) return ue_file
[docs]def merge_logs(args): """Merge all log files into a single file that contains all the information about the run. """ searchpath = os.path.join(args.working_dir, args.logs_path) if args.storage_dir: searchpath = os.path.join(args.storage_dir, args.logs_path) searchfile = os.path.join(searchpath, '*.log') outpath = os.path.join(args.working_dir, args.data_path) outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'unique.log.txt') with open(outfile, 'w') as out: cmd1 = ["""awk -F'\t' -v OFS='\t' '$1 == "run info" {$1 = FILENAME; print}'""", searchfile] cmd2 = ['cut', '-f2-', '-d\t'] print(' '.join(cmd1)) print(' '.join(cmd2)) p1 = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(cmd1), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=out).communicate() return outfile
[docs]def main_parse_args(): """Processes command line arguments. Expects one positional argument (status_file) and number of optional arguments. If arguments are missing, supplies default values. Returns: Namespace: args as populated namespace """ parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('importfile', help='import file produced from map step, \ or merged files, and must contain the table name e.g. \ kegg/ath/kegg.ath.unique.status.1.txt or \ unique.status.txt') parser = cf.add_config_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() return args
[docs]def main(): """Imports according to the given arguments. """ args = main_parse_args() merge_keys = ['node', 'node_meta', 'edge2line', 'status', 'edge', \ 'edge_meta', 'raw_line', 'table', 'log'] if args.importfile == 'log': args.importfile = merge_logs(args) elif args.importfile in merge_keys: args.importfile = merge(args.importfile, args) table = '' ld_cmd = '' dup_cmd = '' for key in args.importfile.split('.'): if key in merge_keys: table = key break if not table: raise ValueError("ERROR: 'importfile' must contain one of "+\ ','.join(merge_keys)) import_file(args.importfile, table, ld_cmd, dup_cmd, args) if table == 'node_meta': filename = args.importfile.replace("node_meta", "node_meta_table") mu.get_database("KnowNet", args).dump_table(table, filename) ru.import_node_meta(filename, args)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()