"""Utiliites for Jobs class which store all important information for each job to run
Jobs: Stores all important information for each job to run on cluster
Contains module functions::
queue_starter_job(args, jobname='starter-jobname', dummy=1)
run_job_step(args, job_type, tmpdict)
curl_handler(args, jobname, job_str)
CURL_PREFIX (list): parts of the chronos curl command
import os
import subprocess
import json
import stat
import config_utilities as cf
CURL_PREFIX = ["curl", "-i", "-L", "-H", "'Content-Type: application/json'",
"-X", "POST"]
[docs]class Job:
"""Base class for each job to be run in pipeline.
This Job class provides attributes and default functions to store information
about and perform operations on job.
jobtype (str): the type of job to be referenced in components.json
jobname (str): name of job as appears on chronos
tmpdict (dict): dictionary of default tmp variable substitutions
cjobfile (str): chronos local file name of json job descriptor
cjobstr (str): contents of json job descriptor as single string.
args (namespace): command line arguments and default arguments to method
def __init__(self, jobtype, args):
"""Init a Job object with the provided parameters.
Constructs a Job object with the provided parameters.
jobtype (str): the type of job to be referenced in components.json
args (namespace): command line arguments and default arguments to method
self.jobtype = jobtype
self.args = args
self.jobname = jobtype + "_job"
self.cjobfile = 'missing.json'
# read in dummy template
self.cjobstr = ""
with open(os.path.join(args.code_path, "template",
"job_template.json"), 'r') as infile:
self.cjobstr = infile.read(10000)
# read in job dictionaries
jobsdesc = ""
with open(os.path.join(args.code_path, "template",
"components.json"), 'r') as infile:
jobsdesc = json.load(infile)
# prepare volume mount
vmntstr = '{"containerPath": "TMPWORKDIR", "hostPath":"TMPWORKDIR", "mode":"RW"}'
if self.args.storage_dir and self.args.working_dir != self.args.storage_dir:
vmntstr += ', {"containerPath": "TMPSHAREDIR", "hostPath":"TMPSHAREDIR", "mode":"RW"}'
if os.path.abspath(self.args.code_path) != os.path.abspath(cf.DEFAULT_CODE_PATH):
vmntstr += ', {"containerPath": "TMPCODEPATH", "hostPath":"TMPCODEPATH", "mode":"RW"}'
# replace global dummy values with job specific ones
self.tmpdict = jobsdesc[jobtype]
self.tmpdict["TMPVMNTSTR"] = vmntstr
[docs] def replace_jobtmp(self, tmpdict):
"""Replaces temporary strings in self.cjobstr with specific values
This loops through all keys in tmpdict and replaces any placeholder matches
in self.cjobstr with the key values. Also, adds tmpdict to self.tmpdict.
tmpdict (dict): dictionary of default tmp variable substitutions
envstr = str(self.tmpdict.get("TMPENV", "[]"))
for key in tmpdict:
# print(key + " " + str(tmpdict[key]) )
if key == 'TMPJOB':
self.jobname = tmpdict[key]
self.cjobstr = self.cjobstr.replace(key, str(tmpdict[key]))
envstr = envstr.replace(key, str(tmpdict[key]))
self.tmpdict[key] = tmpdict[key]
self.tmpdict['TMPENV'] = envstr
[docs] def print_chronos_job(self):
"""Prints out job description to .json file
This creates a directory and in it prints a .json file containing self.cjobstr.
It saves the created file as self.cjobfile
jobs_dir = os.path.join(self.args.working_dir, self.args.logs_path, 'chron_jobs')
if not os.path.exists(jobs_dir):
cjobfile = jobs_dir + os.sep + self.jobname + ".json"
self.cjobfile = cjobfile
with open(cjobfile, 'w') as outfile:
[docs] def run_local_job(self):
"""prints and runs the job in the local environment
Using the args, tmpdict, and cjobstr create a command line call to
executes the job
jobjson = json.loads(self.cjobstr)
command = jobjson["command"]
if not self.args.test_mode:
# subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex1:
[docs] def run_docker_job(self):
"""runs the job locally using docker
Using the args, tmpdict, and cjobstr create a command line call to docker
run that executes the job and removes itself
jobjson = json.loads(self.cjobstr)
envvars = json.loads(self.tmpdict.get("TMPENV", "[]"))
envstr = ""
vmntstr = "-v " + self.args.working_dir + ":" + self.args.working_dir
if self.args.storage_dir and self.args.working_dir != self.args.storage_dir:
vmntstr += " -v " + self.args.storage_dir + ":" + self.args.storage_dir
if os.path.abspath(self.args.code_path) != os.path.abspath(cf.DEFAULT_CODE_PATH):
vmntstr += " -v " + self.args.code_path + ":" + self.args.code_path
for env in envvars:
envstr += ' -e ' + env['variable'] + '=' + env['value']
docker_cmd = ["docker", "run", "--name", jobjson["name"], "--rm=true",
vmntstr, self.args.build_image, jobjson["command"]]
print("\n"+" ".join(docker_cmd))
if not self.args.test_mode:
# subprocess.call(' '.join(docker_cmd), shell=True)
subprocess.check_output(' '.join(docker_cmd), shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex1:
[docs] def queue_chronos_job(self):
"""puts the job on the chronos queue
Using the chronos url from args.chronos, this creates a tmp .sh job that
runs the curl statement to sent job to chronos
curl_cmd = list(CURL_PREFIX)
curl_cmd.extend(["-d@" + self.cjobfile])
if self.tmpdict["TMPLAUNCH"].find("schedule") > -1:
curl_cmd.extend([self.args.chronos + "/scheduler/iso8601"])
curl_cmd.extend([self.args.chronos + "/scheduler/dependency"])
print(" ".join(curl_cmd))
if not self.args.test_mode:
#subprocess.call(curl_cmd, shell=True)
shfile = self.cjobfile.replace(".json", ".sh")
with open(shfile, 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(" ".join(curl_cmd))
os.chmod(shfile, stat.S_IRWXU)
subprocess.call(['sh', "-c", shfile])
[docs] def run_job(self):
"""Sends job to chronos job queue
Using the chronos url from args.chronos, this creates a tmp .sh job that
runs the curl statement to sent job to chronos
if self.args.chronos == "LOCAL":
elif self.args.chronos == "DOCKER":
[docs]def queue_starter_job(args, jobname='starter-jobname', dummy=1):
"""Queues a starter job.
If dummy=1, creates and queues a dummy job that will never run, else it
queues a simple job with a single print statement that will run immediately
on which other jobs will depend
jobstr (str): contents of json job descriptor as single string.
dummy (bool): 1, queue jobs that does not run, 0, queue job that does
Returns: Job object
myjob = Job('starter', args)
if args.chronos == "LOCAL":
return myjob
elif args.chronos == "DOCKER":
return myjob
tmpdict = {'TMPLAUNCH': r'"schedule": "R1\/\/P3M"',
'TMPMSG': 'date | sed \\"s#^#TMPJOB begun #g\\"'}
if dummy == 1:
tmpdict['TMPLAUNCH'] = r'"schedule": "R1\/2200-01-01T06:00:00Z\/P3M"'
tmpdict['TMPMSG'] = 'echo \\"TMPJOB was not supposed to run\\"'
tmpdict['TMPJOB'] = jobname
return myjob
[docs]def run_job_step(args, job_type, tmpdict):
"""Creates and runs a job.
Using the tmpdict description of the job will create and queue a new job
that runs when its dependencies finish in the correct mode
args (namespace): arguments from main_parse_args().
job_type (string): type of job to be created
tmpdict (dict): dictionary with all of the arguments values required
Returns: Job object
myjob = Job(job_type, args)
return myjob
[docs]def chronos_parent_str(parentlist):
"""Returns correct string for parent dependencies.
Formatting of returned string depends on number of parents
parentlist (list): names of parent jobs
Returns: string
return '"parents": {0}'.format(str(parentlist).replace("'", "\""))