"""Utiliites for fetching and chunking a source for the Knowledge Network (KN)
that has been updated.
Contains module functions::
csu(infile, outfile, columns=list())
main(chunkfile, version_json, args=None)
To run table on a single source (e.g. dip) after fetch complete::
$ cd data/dip/PPI
$ python3 ../../../code/table_utilities.py chunks/dip.PPI.raw_line.1.txt \
To view all optional arguments that can be specified::
$ python3 code/table_utilities.py -h
import json
import sys
import subprocess
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import config_utilities as cf
[docs]def csu(infile, outfile, columns=None):
"""Performs a cut | sort | uniq on infile using the provided columns and
stores it into outfile.
Takes a file in tsv format and sorts by the provided columns using the
unix sort command and then removes duplicate elements.
infile (str): the file to sort
outfile (str): the file to save the result into
columns (list): the columns to use in cut or an empty list if all
columns should be used
if columns is None:
columns = []
with open(outfile, 'w') as out:
cmd2 = ['sort', '-u']
if columns:
cmd1 = ['cut', '-f', ','.join(map(str, columns)), infile]
cmd1 = ['cat', infile]
p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=out).communicate()
[docs]def main(chunkfile, version_json, args=None):
"""Tables the source:alias described by version_json.
This takes the path to a chunked (see fetch_utilities.chunk) raw_line file
and it's correpsonding version_json (source.alias.json) and runs the
source specific table command (see SrcClass.table) if the alias is a data
file. If it is a mapping file, it does nothing:
raw_line (line_hash, line_num, file_id, raw_line)
table_file (line_hash, n1name, n1hint, n1type, n1spec,\
n2name, n2hint, n2type, n2spec, et_hint, score,\
edge_meta (line_hash, info_type, info_desc)
node_meta (node_id, \
info_type (evidence, relationship, experiment, or link), \
info_desc (text))
node (node_id, n_alias, n_type)
version_json (str): path to a chunk file in raw_line format
version_json (str): path to a json file describing the source:alias
args (Namespace): args as populated namespace or 'None' for defaults
if args is None:
args = cf.config_args()
with open(version_json, 'r') as infile:
version_dict = json.load(infile)
src_code_dir = os.path.join(args.code_path, args.src_path)
src_module = __import__(version_dict['source'])
SrcClass = src_module.get_SrcClass(args)
if not version_dict['is_map']:
SrcClass.table(chunkfile, version_dict)
#csu(chunkfile.replace('raw_line', 'edge'))
[docs]def main_parse_args():
"""Processes command line arguments.
Expects two positional arguments (chunkfile, metadata_json) and number of
optional arguments. If arguments are missing, supplies default values.
Namespace: args as populated namespace
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('chunkfile', help='path to a single chunk file produced \
in fetch, e.g. dip.PPI.raw_line.1.txt')
parser.add_argument('metadata_json', help='json file produced from check, \
e.g. file_metadata.json')
parser = cf.add_config_args(parser)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = main_parse_args()
main(args.chunkfile, args.metadata_json, args)