.. _adv-params-ref: .. highlight:: none Advanced Parameters ******************* There are many additional parameters that may be specified when running the primary build_status.py script. .. code:: usage: build_status.py [-h] [-c CHRONOS] [-m MARATHON] [-i BUILD_IMAGE] [-es ENS_SPECIES] [-srcs SRC_CLASSES] [-ff] [-tm] [-wd WORKING_DIR] [-cp CODE_PATH] [-sd [STORAGE_DIR]] [-dp DATA_PATH] [-lp LOGS_PATH] [-ep EXPORT_PATH] [-sp SRC_PATH] [-myh MYSQL_HOST] [-myp MYSQL_PORT] [-myd MYSQL_DIR] [-mym MYSQL_MEM] [-myc MYSQL_CPU] [-mycf MYSQL_CONF] [-myu MYSQL_USER] [-myps MYSQL_PASS] [-rh REDIS_HOST] [-rp REDIS_PORT] [-rd REDIS_DIR] [-rm REDIS_MEM] [-rc REDIS_CPU] [-rps REDIS_PASS] As a developer, you may modified the src/ code and/or build your own kn_builder Docker image. To test your your development code, use a command like this: .. code:: python3 $MYCODEDIR/src/code/build_status.py \ -i $MYIMAGE:latest \ -cp $MYCODEDIR/src/code \ -es drosophila_melanogaster \ -srcs kegg,,blast The parameters can be grouped into four different categories. Run arguments ------------- :: --chronos CHRONOS url of chronos scheduler or LOCAL or DOCKER --marathon MARATHON url of marathon scheduler --build_image BUILD_IMAGE docker image name to use for kn_build pipeline --ens_species ENS_SPECIES ,, separated list of ensembl species to run in setup pipeline --src_classes SRC_CLASSES ,, separated list of source keywords to run in parse pipeline --force_fetch fetch even if file exists and has not changed from last run --test_mode run in test mode by only printing commands Path arguments -------------- :: --working_dir WORKING_DIR absolute path to toplevel working directory --code_path CODE_PATH absolute path of code directory --storage_dir [STORAGE_DIR] name of toplevel directory of storage directory --data_path DATA_PATH relative path of data directory from toplevel --logs_path LOGS_PATH relative path of data directory from toplevel --export_path EXPORT_PATH relative path of export directory from toplevel --src_path SRC_PATH relative path of srcClass directory from code_path MySQL arguments --------------- :: --mysql_host MYSQL_HOST address of mySQL db --mysql_port MYSQL_PORT port for mySQL db --mysql_dir MYSQL_DIR absolute directory for MySQL db files --mysql_mem MYSQL_MEM memory for deploying MySQL container --mysql_cpu MYSQL_CPU cpus for deploying MySQL container --mysql_conf MYSQL_CONF config directory for deploying MySQL container --mysql_user MYSQL_USER user for mySQL db --mysql_pass MYSQL_PASS password for mySQL db Redis arguments --------------- :: --redis_host REDIS_HOST address of Redis db --redis_port REDIS_PORT port for Redis db --redis_dir REDIS_DIR absolute directory for Redis db files --redis_mem REDIS_MEM memory for deploying redis container --redis_cpu REDIS_CPU cpus for deploying redis container --redis_pass REDIS_PASS password for Redis db